KK Genetics and molecular biotechnology dreams aspirations produce a product or technology that allows people with a cheap, easy and environmentally friendly. Presented by Dr. Fenny M Dwivanny and consists of 8 professors, research in KK is made into three levels, namely basic research in the field of molecular biology, mainly related to gene cloning and characterization, control of gene expression, genomics, transkriptomik and proteomics research in the field of conservation and biodiversity of genetic-based molecular biology, as well as develop basic research integrated bioinformatics and systems biology.
Several studies in families include diversity genetic or molecular of resource tropics to bio-corrosion, bio-mining, and bioremediation, and improvements in the quality of tropical fruits, such as durian superior, with molecular breeding, the study of ripening bananas, and related research with the disease at molecular level through the multiplication of the vaccine, or known as molecular pharming.