In order to carry out one of the obligations of higher education, the Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology Expertise Group organizes various community service activities involving researchers and students from various study programs. The activities are spread across various locations in Indonesia, starting from West Java to areas outside Java. Through these activities, researchers and students have the opportunity to transfer knowledge and technology on the use of biological resources – most of which are the result of research – to communities in need. In addition, community service activities always prioritize local community empowerment so that it is expected to be able to improve welfare in the economic aspect. By utilizing various sources of funding, both from the government and the private sector, the activities are expected to increase the relevance of the Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology Expertise Group.

Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology for Industrial Application
PI: Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivany
This activity included a workshop titled “From sample to insight – QIAGEN Easy-to-use Next Generation Sequencing Solution to data analysis (exclusive workshop on SARS-CoV2 Sequencing Data Analysis)” in which the group collaborated with QIAGEN Singapore and PT Genecraft Labs. The workshop was attended by university students and other institutions including the local government.

Alternative Food Source Processing Dissemination
PI: Dr. Dadang Sumardi
Hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi) is an underutilized cereal plant that has high potential as a local food and functional food. To improve the use and quality of Hanjeli, a workshop was conducted with the community of Desa Waluran Mandiri, Kecamatan Waluran Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. The workshop included training on making fish feed from Hanjeli, organic compost from the waste, and business management of products made from Hanjeli.