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Publication of International Journal Articles 2014

  1. Suhandono, Sony., Apriyanto, Ardha., Ihsani, Nisa. Isolation And Characterization Of Three Cassava Elongation Factor 1 Alpha (Meef1a) Promoters,(Plos One, January 2014, Vol.9, Issue 1)
  2. Elfahmi, Suhandono, Sony., Chahyadi, Agus. Optimization Of Genetic Transformation Of Artemisia Annua L. Using Agrobacterium For Artemisinin Production. (Phcog Mag, January-February 2014, vol.10, issue 37)
  3. Jacob Kocher, Tammy Bui, Ernawati Giri-Rachman, Ke Wen, Guohua Li, Xingdong Yang,Fangning Liu, Ming Tan, Ming Xia, WeimingZhong, Xi Jiang, and Lijuan Yuan. 2014. Intranasal P particle vaccine protects against human GII.4 norovorus infection and diarrhea in gnotobiotic pigs. J Virol. pii: JVI.01249-14
  4. Ke Wen, Christine Tin, Haifeng Wang, Xingdong Yang,Guohua Li, Ernawati Giri-Rachman , Jacob Kocher, Tammy Bui, Sherrie Clark-Deener, Lijuan Yuan. 2014.Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG enhanced Th1 cellular immunity but did not affect antibody responses in a human gut microbiota transplanted neonatal gnotobiotic pig model. PLoS One. 10;9(4):e94504. doi: 10.1371
  5. Husen Zhang, Haifeng Wang, Megan Shepherd, Ke Wen, Guohua Li, Xingdong Yang, Jacob Kocher, Ernawati Giri-Rachman , Allan Dickerman, Robert Settlage, Lijuan Yuan. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG modulates the human gut microbiota in rotavirus vaccinated and challenged gnotobiotic pigs. Gut Pathog. 2014 Sep 9;6:39. doi: 10.1186/s13099-014-0039-8
  6. Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman,  Indah Woro Utami,   Shinta Kusumawardani, Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum,  Dessy Natalia Nurfitriani, Gilang Nadia,  Patricia Gita Naully and Neni Nurainy, Construction and Expression of Multi Cassettes Encoding Indonesian Small Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (s-HBsAg) in Methylotropic Yeast Pichia pastoris, submitted to IJPPS
  7. Marwani, E., Tangapo, A., Dwivany, F.M. 2013. .Agrobacterium-mediated stable transformation of medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata callus expressing β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, 18 (2), pp. 92-100
  8. Swandjaya, L., Esyanti, R.R., Khairurrijal, Dwivany, F.M. 2014. The effect of Clinorotation to the Growth of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Seedlings. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, 12 (9), pp. 5-10
  9. Takaoki, M., Yano, S., Mathers, N., Dwivany, F., Esyanti, R. Djamaluddin, T., Asillam, M.F., Kamarudin, F., Madom, M.S., Tantiphanwadi, S., Giang, N.V., and Kibo-ABC. 2014. Space Seed for Asian Future. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, 12 (29), pp. 1-5
  10. Handayani, R.U. and Dwivany, F.M. 2014. Analysis of MaACS2, a stress-inducible ACC Synthase Gene in Musa acuminata AAA Group Cultivar Pisang Ambon. J. Math. Fund. Sci, 46 (2). Pp.194-203
  11. Dwivany, F.M., Hermawaty, D., and Esyanti, R.R. 2014. ‘Raja Bulu’ Banana MaACS1 and MaACO1 Gene Expression Study during Post Harvest Storage. Acta Horticulturae. submitted
  12. Chaerun S. K.,Cai M., Wu X.-L. (2014) Pseudoclavibacter beijingensis sp. nov., an aromatics- and crude oil-degrading bacterium. International Journal of Systematics and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM), under revision (SCI Impact factor: 2.798; published by the Society for General Microbiology (SGM)).
  13. Chaerun S.K.,Zhao J., Geng S., Wu X.-L. (2014). Bacillus cereus is a powerful degrader for anthracene. Journal of Hazardous Materials, under revision (SCI Impact factor: 4.331; published by Elsevier).
  14. Rokx CFibriani Avan de Vijver DVerbon ASchutten MGras LRijnders BJ. More virological failure with lamivudine than emtricitabine in efavirenz and nevirapine regimens in the Dutch nationwide HIV Cohort. J Int AIDS Soc. 2014 Nov 2;17(4 Suppl 3):19491. doi: 10.7448/IAS.17.4.19491. eCollection 2014
  15. Rokx CFibriani Avan de Vijver DA, Verbon A , Schutten MGras LRijnders BJ Rokx CFibriani Avan de Vijver DAVerbon ASchutten MGras LRijnders BJ. Increased Virological Failure in Naive HIV-1-Infected Patients Taking Lamivudine Compared With Emtricitabine in Combination With Tenofovir and Efavirenz or Nevirapine in the Dutch Nationwide ATHENA Cohort. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Jan 1;60(1):143-53. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu763. Epub 2014 Oct 1
  16. Fibriani AWisaksana RAlisjahbana BIndrati ASchutten Mvan Crevel Rvan der Ven A, Boucher CA. Hepatitis B virus prevalence, risk factors and genotype distribution in HIV infected patients from West Java, Indonesia. J Clin Virol. 2014 Apr;59(4):235-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2014.01.012. Epub 2014 Jan 26.

Publikasi artikel jurnal nasional 2014

  1. Hayati Minarsih, Dwiyantari Widyaningrum, Sony Suhandono, Soekarno Mismana Putra and Asmini Budiani. The use of various sources of explants for genetic transformation on sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). First International Conference on Tropical Biology, 3 – 4 Oktober 2013
  2. Anandayu Pradita, Edhyana Sahiratmadja, Sony Suhandono, Herman Susanto. Sekuen Gen Protein Kapsid Mayor L1 Human Papilpmavirus 16 dari Isolat Klinik Asal Bandung. (Bandung Medical Journal Vo. 46 No. 3, 2014
  3. Fenryco Pratama, Oktira Roka Aji, Ihsanawati, Maelita Ramdhani Moeis, Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Overexpression, Purification, and Preliminary Crystal Screening of PhoR Sensor-Domain Protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv (submitted to Microbiology Indonesia, under revision)
  4. Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman. Cloning, Overexpression, and Purification of PhoR CytoplasmicDomain Protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv (submitted to Microbiology Indonesia)
  5. PATEN :
    Neni Nurainy, Gilang Nadia, Dessy Natalia, Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum, Fernita Puspasari, PATEN Ditjen HKI Nomor P00201407051 tanggal 14 November 2014
    Plasmid Rekombinan Yang Berfungsi Sebagai Vektor Ekspresi untuk Produksi Berlebih Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) di Hansenula polymorpha
  6. Santoso PJ, Djamas N, Rebin dan Pancoro A. 2014. Analisis Diversitas dan Paternitas Progeni F1 Hasil Persilangan Arumanis 143 x Mangga Merah menggunakan Marka Mikrosatelit. J. Hort. 24(3):210-219


Publikasi prosiding seminar internasional 2014

  1. M.A.H.Shibghatallah, S.H. Khotimah, Sony Suhandono, S. Viridi and T. Kusuma. Measuring Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration from its Color: A Way in Monitoring Environment Change to Plantations. AIP Conference Proceeding 2013, 1554 (1) 210 -213
  2. Nelis Hernahadini, Sony Suhandono, Deve N. Choesin, Siti. K. Chaerun and Ade Kadarusman. Isolation, identification and characterization of indigenous fungi for bioremediation of hexavalent chromium, nickel and cobalt. AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014
  3. Endang Semiarti, Aziz Purwantoro, Ixora S. Mercuriani, Anida M.,  Anggriasari, Seonghoe Jang, Sony Suhandono, Yasunori Machida and Chiyoko Machida. In plants transformation method for T-DNA transfer in orchids.  AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014)
  4. Sony Suhandono, Maelita R. Moeis, Liska Berlian, , Alex Prima, Eli Komalawati, and Tati Kristianti. Cloning and construction of recombinant palI gene from Klebsiella oxytoca  on pET-32b into E. coli B:21 (DE3) pLysS for production of isomaltulose, a new generation of sugar. AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014)
  5. L. Haris, Sony Suhandono, S.N. Khotimah, F. Haryanto and S. Viridi. Study on Antibody-Virus Interaction using Molecular Dynamics: Two Dimensial Simulation on Immunoglobulin Reaction against Human Papillomavirus.  AIP Conference Proceeding 2013, 1554 (1) 210 -213
  6. Dwivany, F.M., Esyanti, R.R., Robertlee, J., Paramaputra, I.C., Permatadewi, R.K., Tambun, D.H., Handayani, R.U., Pratiwi, A.S., and Zaskia, H. 2014. Environment effect on fruit ripening related gene to develop a new post harvest technology. AIP Conference Proceedings 1589, p.285 (SCOPUS)
  7. Kinasih Prayuni and Fenny M. Dwivany. Optimatization of Transient Transformation Methods to Study Gene Expression in Musa acuminata (AAA group)  Cultivar Ambon Lumut. ICMNS 2014. Submitted AIP Proceeding (SCOPUS)
  8. Aksarani ‘Sa Pratiwi, Fenny M. Dwivany, Dwinita Larasati, Hana Cahaya Islamia, and Ronny Martien. 2014. Effect of Chitosan Coating and Bamboo FSC (Fruit Storage Chamber) to expand Banana Shelf Life. ICMNS 2014. Submitted  AIP Proceeding (SCOPUS)
  9. Langi, Gladys Emmanuella Putri; Moeis, Maelita R.; Ihsanawati, Giri-Rachman, Ernawati Arifin, 2014, Molecular cloning and cold shock induced overexpression of the DNA encoding phor sensor domain from Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a target molecule for novel anti-tubercular drugs, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1589, Issue 1, p.407-410
  10. Mubarok MZ, Kusuma H, Minwal WP, Chaerun SK). Effects of several parameters on nickel extraction from laterite ore by direct bioleaching using Aspergillus niger and acid rock drainage from coal mine as an organic substrate. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 825, pp.356-359(DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.825.356), The20th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS 2013), Antofagasta, Chile, October 8-11, 2013 (Oral and Poster Presentation)
  11. Chaerun SK, Wu XL. Biostimulation of silica and sulfur on crude oil biodegradation. Mineralogical Magazine, pp.846, Cambridge Publications (DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.3), Goldschmidt 2013 Conference, Florence, Italy, August 25-30, 2013 (Oral Presentation)


Publikasi prosiding seminar nasional 2014

  1. Fenny Dwivany. , Aksarani Pratiwi, 2013. Efek Penyimpanan pada Fruit Chamber terhadap proses pematangan buah pisang cavendish dan ekspresi gen MaACO. Seminar Inovasi dan Kontribusi Peneliti Perempuan ITB untuk Industri dan Masyarakat
  2. Santoso, P J., A. Pancoro, S. Suhandono, and I N. P. Aryantha. 2014. Virulensi Isolat Pythiaceae dan Ketahanan Varietas Durian terhadap Pythium vexans berdasarkan Detached Leaf Bioassay. Seminar Perhorti, UB 5-7 Nov. 2014


Publikasi presentasi pada seminar internasional 2014

  1. M.A.H.Shibghatallah, S.H. Khotimah, Sony Suhandono, S. Viridi and T. Kusuma. Measuring Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration from its Color: A Way in Monitoring Environment Change to Plantations. AIP Conference Proceeding 2013, 1554 (1) 210 -213
  2. Nelis Hernahadini, Sony Suhandono, Deve N. Choesin, Siti. K. Chaerun and Ade Kadarusman. Isolation, identification and characterization of indigenous fungi for bioremediation of hexavalent chromium, nickel and cobalt. AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014
  3. Endang Semiarti, Aziz Purwantoro, Ixora S. Mercuriani, Anida M.,  Anggriasari, Seonghoe Jang, Sony Suhandono, Yasunori Machida and Chiyoko Machida. In plants transformation method for T-DNA transfer in orchids.  AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014)
  4. Maelita R. Moeis,Liska Berlian, Sony Suhandono, Alex Prima, Eli Komalawati, and Tati Kristianti. Cloning and construction of recombinant palI gene from Klebsiella oxytoca  on pET-32b into E. coli B:21 (DE3) pLysS for production of isomaltulose, a new generation of sugar. AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014)
  5. L. Haris, Sony Suhandono, S.N. Khotimah, F. Haryanto and S. Viridi. Study on Antibody-Virus Interaction using Molecular Dynamics: Two Dimensial Simulation on Immunoglobulin Reaction against Human Papillomavirus.  AIP Conference Proceeding 2014, 1554 (1) 210 -213
  6. Erawijantari,Pande Putu1 and Maelita Ramdani Moeis1, 2014, Mutation and Expression of β-glucosidase gene Isolated from Kawio Island, North Sulawesi Deep Sea Metagenome, The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) November 2-3, 2014, Bandung
  7. Chaerun SK, Hung S, Mubarok MZ, Sanwani E. Isolation and phylogenetic characterization of iron-sulfur-oxidizing heterotrophic bacteria indigenous to nickel laterite ores of Sulawesi, Indonesia, The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2014), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, November 2-3, 2014(Oral Presentation)
  8. Chaerun SK, Mubarok MZ, Handayani I. Environmental biogeochemical analysis of potentially toxic metals (PTMs)-resistant bacteria and S-Fe-Oxidizing bacteria in sulfide and laterite mineral mine sites of Indonesia: Implications for biomining and bioremediation. Book of Abstract of MRS-Id Meeting 2014, pp.176, The 1st Materials Research Society of Indonesia (MRS-Id) Meeting, Aston Hotel Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, September 26-28, 2014 (Oral Presentation)
  9. Chaerun SK, Hung S, Mubarok MZ, Sanwani  E, Kadarusman A, Djafar A. Indigenous iron-sulfur-oxidizing bacteria capable of bioleaching nickel from laterite mineral ores and their application in nickel laterite bioleaching. The 21th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA 2014), Sandton Convention Centre, Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, September 1-5, 2014 (Oral Presentation)
  10. Fenny Dwivany. Gene expression and transcriptomics study of local banana. Indonesian-US Kavli Frontiers of science symposium 2014, Medan
  11. Lystia Utami Karmawan, Fenny Martha Dwivany, I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha. Analysis of endophyte bacterial community from  healthy banana plant grown in fusarium oxysporum infected area in Bali and West Java, Indonesia. 32nd Symposium of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology. Kuala Treangganu, Malysia, 6-8 December 2014


Publikasi presentasi pada seminar nasional 2014

  1. Application of Chitosan Nanoparticle Based Coating for Banana Storage (presentasi pada Symposium Nanotechnology and Biotechnology 2014)


Publikasi artikel jurnal internasional 2014

  1. Suhandono, Sony., Apriyanto, Ardha., Ihsani, Nisa. Isolation And Characterization Of Three Cassava Elongation Factor 1 Alpha (Meef1a) Promoters,(Plos One, January 2014, Vol.9, Issue 1)
  2. Elfahmi, Suhandono, Sony., Chahyadi, Agus. Optimization Of Genetic Transformation Of Artemisia Annua L. Using Agrobacterium For Artemisinin Production. (Phcog Mag, January-February 2014, vol.10, issue 37)
  3. Jacob Kocher, Tammy Bui, Ernawati Giri-Rachman, Ke Wen, Guohua Li, Xingdong Yang,Fangning Liu, Ming Tan, Ming Xia, WeimingZhong, Xi Jiang, and Lijuan Yuan. 2014. Intranasal P particle vaccine protects against human GII.4 norovorus infection and diarrhea in gnotobiotic pigs. J Virol. pii: JVI.01249-14
  4. Ke Wen, Christine Tin, Haifeng Wang, Xingdong Yang,Guohua Li, Ernawati Giri-Rachman , Jacob Kocher, Tammy Bui, Sherrie Clark-Deener, Lijuan Yuan. 2014.Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG enhanced Th1 cellular immunity but did not affect antibody responses in a human gut microbiota transplanted neonatal gnotobiotic pig model. PLoS One. 10;9(4):e94504. doi: 10.1371
  5. Husen Zhang, Haifeng Wang, Megan Shepherd, Ke Wen, Guohua Li, Xingdong Yang, Jacob Kocher, Ernawati Giri-Rachman , Allan Dickerman, Robert Settlage, Lijuan Yuan. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG modulates the human gut microbiota in rotavirus vaccinated and challenged gnotobiotic pigs. Gut Pathog. 2014 Sep 9;6:39. doi: 10.1186/s13099-014-0039-8
  6. Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman,  Indah Woro Utami,   Shinta Kusumawardani, Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum,  Dessy Natalia Nurfitriani, Gilang Nadia,  Patricia Gita Naully and Neni Nurainy, Construction and Expression of Multi Cassettes Encoding Indonesian Small Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (s-HBsAg) in Methylotropic Yeast Pichia pastoris, submitted to IJPPS
  7. Marwani, E., Tangapo, A., Dwivany, F.M. 2013. .Agrobacterium-mediated stable transformation of medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata callus expressing β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, 18 (2), pp. 92-100
  8. Swandjaya, L., Esyanti, R.R., Khairurrijal, Dwivany, F.M. 2014. The effect of Clinorotation to the Growth of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Seedlings. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, 12 (9), pp. 5-10
  9. Takaoki, M., Yano, S., Mathers, N., Dwivany, F., Esyanti, R. Djamaluddin, T., Asillam, M.F., Kamarudin, F., Madom, M.S., Tantiphanwadi, S., Giang, N.V., and Kibo-ABC. 2014. Space Seed for Asian Future. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, 12 (29), pp. 1-5
  10. Handayani, R.U. and Dwivany, F.M. 2014. Analysis of MaACS2, a stress-inducible ACC Synthase Gene in Musa acuminata AAA Group Cultivar Pisang Ambon. J. Math. Fund. Sci, 46 (2). Pp.194-203
  11. Dwivany, F.M., Hermawaty, D., and Esyanti, R.R. 2014. ‘Raja Bulu’ Banana MaACS1 and MaACO1 Gene Expression Study during Post Harvest Storage. Acta Horticulturae. submitted
  12. Chaerun S. K.,Cai M., Wu X.-L. (2014) Pseudoclavibacter beijingensis sp. nov., an aromatics- and crude oil-degrading bacterium. International Journal of Systematics and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM), under revision (SCI Impact factor: 2.798; published by the Society for General Microbiology (SGM)).
  13. Chaerun S.K.,Zhao J., Geng S., Wu X.-L. (2014). Bacillus cereus is a powerful degrader for anthracene. Journal of Hazardous Materials, under revision (SCI Impact factor: 4.331; published by Elsevier).
  14. Rokx CFibriani Avan de Vijver DVerbon ASchutten MGras LRijnders BJ. More virological failure with lamivudine than emtricitabine in efavirenz and nevirapine regimens in the Dutch nationwide HIV Cohort. J Int AIDS Soc. 2014 Nov 2;17(4 Suppl 3):19491. doi: 10.7448/IAS.17.4.19491. eCollection 2014
  15. Rokx CFibriani Avan de Vijver DA, Verbon A , Schutten MGras LRijnders BJ Rokx CFibriani Avan de Vijver DAVerbon ASchutten MGras LRijnders BJ. Increased Virological Failure in Naive HIV-1-Infected Patients Taking Lamivudine Compared With Emtricitabine in Combination With Tenofovir and Efavirenz or Nevirapine in the Dutch Nationwide ATHENA Cohort. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Jan 1;60(1):143-53. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu763. Epub 2014 Oct 1
  16. Fibriani AWisaksana RAlisjahbana BIndrati ASchutten Mvan Crevel Rvan der Ven A, Boucher CA. Hepatitis B virus prevalence, risk factors and genotype distribution in HIV infected patients from West Java, Indonesia. J Clin Virol. 2014 Apr;59(4):235-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2014.01.012. Epub 2014 Jan 26.

Publikasi artikel jurnal nasional 2014

  1. Hayati Minarsih, Dwiyantari Widyaningrum, Sony Suhandono, Soekarno Mismana Putra and Asmini Budiani. The use of various sources of explants for genetic transformation on sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). First International Conference on Tropical Biology, 3 – 4 Oktober 2013
  2. Anandayu Pradita, Edhyana Sahiratmadja, Sony Suhandono, Herman Susanto. Sekuen Gen Protein Kapsid Mayor L1 Human Papilpmavirus 16 dari Isolat Klinik Asal Bandung. (Bandung Medical Journal Vo. 46 No. 3, 2014
  3. Fenryco Pratama, Oktira Roka Aji, Ihsanawati, Maelita Ramdhani Moeis, Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Overexpression, Purification, and Preliminary Crystal Screening of PhoR Sensor-Domain Protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv (submitted to Microbiology Indonesia, under revision)
  4. Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman. Cloning, Overexpression, and Purification of PhoR CytoplasmicDomain Protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv (submitted to Microbiology Indonesia)
  5. PATEN :
    Neni Nurainy, Gilang Nadia, Dessy Natalia, Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum, Fernita Puspasari, PATEN Ditjen HKI Nomor P00201407051 tanggal 14 November 2014
    Plasmid Rekombinan Yang Berfungsi Sebagai Vektor Ekspresi untuk Produksi Berlebih Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) di Hansenula polymorpha
  6. Santoso PJ, Djamas N, Rebin dan Pancoro A. 2014. Analisis Diversitas dan Paternitas Progeni F1 Hasil Persilangan Arumanis 143 x Mangga Merah menggunakan Marka Mikrosatelit. J. Hort. 24(3):210-219


Publikasi prosiding seminar internasional 2014

  1. M.A.H.Shibghatallah, S.H. Khotimah, Sony Suhandono, S. Viridi and T. Kusuma. Measuring Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration from its Color: A Way in Monitoring Environment Change to Plantations. AIP Conference Proceeding 2013, 1554 (1) 210 -213
  2. Nelis Hernahadini, Sony Suhandono, Deve N. Choesin, Siti. K. Chaerun and Ade Kadarusman. Isolation, identification and characterization of indigenous fungi for bioremediation of hexavalent chromium, nickel and cobalt. AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014
  3. Endang Semiarti, Aziz Purwantoro, Ixora S. Mercuriani, Anida M.,  Anggriasari, Seonghoe Jang, Sony Suhandono, Yasunori Machida and Chiyoko Machida. In plants transformation method for T-DNA transfer in orchids.  AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014)
  4. Sony Suhandono, Maelita R. Moeis, Liska Berlian, , Alex Prima, Eli Komalawati, and Tati Kristianti. Cloning and construction of recombinant palI gene from Klebsiella oxytoca  on pET-32b into E. coli B:21 (DE3) pLysS for production of isomaltulose, a new generation of sugar. AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014)
  5. L. Haris, Sony Suhandono, S.N. Khotimah, F. Haryanto and S. Viridi. Study on Antibody-Virus Interaction using Molecular Dynamics: Two Dimensial Simulation on Immunoglobulin Reaction against Human Papillomavirus.  AIP Conference Proceeding 2013, 1554 (1) 210 -213
  6. Dwivany, F.M., Esyanti, R.R., Robertlee, J., Paramaputra, I.C., Permatadewi, R.K., Tambun, D.H., Handayani, R.U., Pratiwi, A.S., and Zaskia, H. 2014. Environment effect on fruit ripening related gene to develop a new post harvest technology. AIP Conference Proceedings 1589, p.285 (SCOPUS)
  7. Kinasih Prayuni and Fenny M. Dwivany. Optimatization of Transient Transformation Methods to Study Gene Expression in Musa acuminata (AAA group)  Cultivar Ambon Lumut. ICMNS 2014. Submitted AIP Proceeding (SCOPUS)
  8. Aksarani ‘Sa Pratiwi, Fenny M. Dwivany, Dwinita Larasati, Hana Cahaya Islamia, and Ronny Martien. 2014. Effect of Chitosan Coating and Bamboo FSC (Fruit Storage Chamber) to expand Banana Shelf Life. ICMNS 2014. Submitted  AIP Proceeding (SCOPUS)
  9. Langi, Gladys Emmanuella Putri; Moeis, Maelita R.; Ihsanawati, Giri-Rachman, Ernawati Arifin, 2014, Molecular cloning and cold shock induced overexpression of the DNA encoding phor sensor domain from Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a target molecule for novel anti-tubercular drugs, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1589, Issue 1, p.407-410
  10. Mubarok MZ, Kusuma H, Minwal WP, Chaerun SK). Effects of several parameters on nickel extraction from laterite ore by direct bioleaching using Aspergillus niger and acid rock drainage from coal mine as an organic substrate. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 825, pp.356-359(DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.825.356), The20th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS 2013), Antofagasta, Chile, October 8-11, 2013 (Oral and Poster Presentation)
  11. Chaerun SK, Wu XL. Biostimulation of silica and sulfur on crude oil biodegradation. Mineralogical Magazine, pp.846, Cambridge Publications (DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.3), Goldschmidt 2013 Conference, Florence, Italy, August 25-30, 2013 (Oral Presentation)


Publikasi prosiding seminar nasional 2014

  1. Fenny Dwivany. , Aksarani Pratiwi, 2013. Efek Penyimpanan pada Fruit Chamber terhadap proses pematangan buah pisang cavendish dan ekspresi gen MaACO. Seminar Inovasi dan Kontribusi Peneliti Perempuan ITB untuk Industri dan Masyarakat
  2. Santoso, P J., A. Pancoro, S. Suhandono, and I N. P. Aryantha. 2014. Virulensi Isolat Pythiaceae dan Ketahanan Varietas Durian terhadap Pythium vexans berdasarkan Detached Leaf Bioassay. Seminar Perhorti, UB 5-7 Nov. 2014


Publikasi presentasi pada seminar internasional 2014

  1. M.A.H.Shibghatallah, S.H. Khotimah, Sony Suhandono, S. Viridi and T. Kusuma. Measuring Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration from its Color: A Way in Monitoring Environment Change to Plantations. AIP Conference Proceeding 2013, 1554 (1) 210 -213
  2. Nelis Hernahadini, Sony Suhandono, Deve N. Choesin, Siti. K. Chaerun and Ade Kadarusman. Isolation, identification and characterization of indigenous fungi for bioremediation of hexavalent chromium, nickel and cobalt. AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014
  3. Endang Semiarti, Aziz Purwantoro, Ixora S. Mercuriani, Anida M.,  Anggriasari, Seonghoe Jang, Sony Suhandono, Yasunori Machida and Chiyoko Machida. In plants transformation method for T-DNA transfer in orchids.  AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014)
  4. Maelita R. Moeis,Liska Berlian, Sony Suhandono, Alex Prima, Eli Komalawati, and Tati Kristianti. Cloning and construction of recombinant palI gene from Klebsiella oxytoca  on pET-32b into E. coli B:21 (DE3) pLysS for production of isomaltulose, a new generation of sugar. AIP Conference Proceeding 1589,350 (2014)
  5. L. Haris, Sony Suhandono, S.N. Khotimah, F. Haryanto and S. Viridi. Study on Antibody-Virus Interaction using Molecular Dynamics: Two Dimensial Simulation on Immunoglobulin Reaction against Human Papillomavirus.  AIP Conference Proceeding 2014, 1554 (1) 210 -213
  6. Erawijantari,Pande Putu1 and Maelita Ramdani Moeis1, 2014, Mutation and Expression of β-glucosidase gene Isolated from Kawio Island, North Sulawesi Deep Sea Metagenome, The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) November 2-3, 2014, Bandung
  7. Chaerun SK, Hung S, Mubarok MZ, Sanwani E. Isolation and phylogenetic characterization of iron-sulfur-oxidizing heterotrophic bacteria indigenous to nickel laterite ores of Sulawesi, Indonesia, The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2014), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, November 2-3, 2014(Oral Presentation)
  8. Chaerun SK, Mubarok MZ, Handayani I. Environmental biogeochemical analysis of potentially toxic metals (PTMs)-resistant bacteria and S-Fe-Oxidizing bacteria in sulfide and laterite mineral mine sites of Indonesia: Implications for biomining and bioremediation. Book of Abstract of MRS-Id Meeting 2014, pp.176, The 1st Materials Research Society of Indonesia (MRS-Id) Meeting, Aston Hotel Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, September 26-28, 2014 (Oral Presentation)
  9. Chaerun SK, Hung S, Mubarok MZ, Sanwani  E, Kadarusman A, Djafar A. Indigenous iron-sulfur-oxidizing bacteria capable of bioleaching nickel from laterite mineral ores and their application in nickel laterite bioleaching. The 21th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA 2014), Sandton Convention Centre, Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, September 1-5, 2014 (Oral Presentation)
  10. Fenny Dwivany. Gene expression and transcriptomics study of local banana. Indonesian-US Kavli Frontiers of science symposium 2014, Medan
  11. Lystia Utami Karmawan, Fenny Martha Dwivany, I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha. Analysis of endophyte bacterial community from  healthy banana plant grown in fusarium oxysporum infected area in Bali and West Java, Indonesia. 32nd Symposium of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology. Kuala Treangganu, Malysia, 6-8 December 2014


Publikasi presentasi pada seminar nasional 2014

  1. Application of Chitosan Nanoparticle Based Coating for Banana Storage (presentasi pada Symposium Nanotechnology and Biotechnology 2014)
